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Client Intake Form - Part 3

This is the continuation of Form Part 2. 

Please note that this information is confidential.




Physcian(s) currently treating self / family member(s):

Is anyone in the family being treated for a medical problem(s) / disabilty?

Current medication list (for primary patient):


Medication, Dosage, Prescribing physician, reason 

Please check any past, present, or impending issues for you or your family.

Check ALL that apply

For Children

Personal and Family Strength and Resources
Please indicate the strengths that you and others in your family have. 

List the people, activities, groups, and hobbies that are supportive to you.

Is there anything you would like me to know that is not covered in this form?
Please include here:

Reminder: this is a secure, confidential form and anything you share will be strictly private.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. This information will help me to understand you and your situation better and will help us to reach your goals as quickly as possible. 

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